
Today I did a lot of work on the game... and still got like nothing done, which seems to always happen.

Changelog: (also yes I have started a changelog)

Major Changes:

1.Added an area select that unlocks after you beat the game

2.Changes to some of the previous levels layouts

3.New levels (idk if these even count as major changes lmao)

EDIT: I really am not sure how I forgot this but i added the ocean areas music and ambience, this is currently in every area and menu however 

Smaller Changes / Fixes

A lot of changes to the ui, although it still is not all the way done, some of it has still not been updated.

This counts as UI but i feel it requires it's own mention, Major changes to the Title screen to make it change as you unlock the continue, and area select buttons, as well as other major changes to the end screen


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I did not want to include this in the devlog but rather a comment, the game is now listed in search and browse.